Wednesday, May 22, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 35 - Sweatshops

Are sweatshops a violation of people's human rights? Yes, they are. I and other people feel this way because in a sweatshop people are working long hours for little pay and that is extremely unfair. I'm sure there is no CONTRACT out there that any one person would sign to work in a place like that and be stripped of their dignity. Also, in a sweatshop the workers there aren't able to APPLY the skills they've learned throughout their life to the work they do. What are they gaining from this? To add onto that the employees there are putting in hard LABOR and getting nothing but pocket change in return. Sweatshops should be illegal unless the owners change their rules and make it a nice and rewarding environment for their colleagues to be in.

Monday, May 6, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 33 - American Students

Are American students falling behind compared to students from other countries? Yes. I and others feel this way for a number of reasons. One of those reasons are DATA shows that children in other countries are more educated in important subjects such as science and mathematics. Also students in America may be falling behind due to the shorter school day and weekends. If you COMPARE schools in the United States to schools in India you'll find that here we go to school five days a week for six hours a day but in India the students will go to school for six days a week for seven hours a day. Because of this those foreign students are in a position where they are able to study on subjects longer and have better knowledge on them. Lastly I personally feel that in my school I could be learning a wider RANGE of things that would help me in the world to become more wiser and intelligent. In conclusion I think that here in America we are capable of so many things and it is a good idea that we students should be taught more in schools.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 31 - Vandalism

Should parents be held accountable for their child's damage? Yes! I and other people feel this way becuase in order for a child to ACHIEVE great things they need someone in their lives to help motivate them and usually that is their parent. If a child's parent were neglecting them they tend to do things out of loneliness and this alone can be blamed on the parent. Also, when disciplining their child parents need to be more SPECIFIC when it comes to rules. If this happens, the child wouldn't want to do things to earn consequences. Lastly, when parents see that their child is starting to act out or change they should address the matter immediately and try their best to COMPUTE it. In conclusion, when teens act up there is always a reason behind it and I feel that parents is a crucial part of that so if their child is doing wrong things such as vandalism, they need to be held respossible.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 30 - "D" Grades

Yes, I do think schools should eliminate "D" grades. I feel this way because I think that if a student tries his/her hardest, they should at least earn a B. I think earning a "D" is not a way of COMPENSATING for not getting the best grade possible so why not just get an "F". I feel that to most people and a "D" is failing anyway. Also, I've realized that INITIALLY when school starts, I and other students have really good grades and then gradually they start to fall. I think that as the school year extends, the harder the work, but just because the assignments call for more effort doesn't mean a student should turn in mediocre work. Lastly, if a student feels that he/she needs help to maintain at least a "C" average they should INTERACT more with their peers and adults in their life so they can help them keep those grades up. In conclusion, we may have "D" grades in schools now, but I feel that soon the school board is going to realize that the grade makes students settle for less when they can try harder to earn a better grade.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Vocab Word Sentences

Week 21 1. After a short PERIOD of time the boys on the island started to become savages. 2. When the boys first got on the island the PRIMARY aspect was building a fire. 3. When the boys got used to going to their meetings it became TRADITION for one to hold the conch while talking. Week 22 4. The first time Jack tried to hunt a pig he failed because it was very COMPLEX for him. 5. It was not a very RELEVANT thing for Ralph when the little boy with the mulberry colored birth mark complained about seeing a beast. 6. On the island the boys' most reliable SOURCE of food was fruit and shell fish before they got their first pig. Week 23 7. While reading this book,it was clear to see that Jack was very DISTINCT from Simon. 8. It was unclear what Ralph's FORMULA for success was on the island considering that close to being rescued he was almost killed. 9. Seeing how violent Jack was towards those boys and those pigs, he could have the POTENTIAL to grow up and be a murderer. Week 24 10. After getting used to the AREA where their meetings were held, the boys got accustomed to where they were supposed to go when the conch was blown. 11. I think the littluns on the island would have an easier time if Piggy or Ralph would have better CLARIFIED that there was no beast. 12. While he was in the woods hearing the Lord of the Flies talk to him, Simon couldn't DIFFERENTIATE what was real and what was fake. Week 25 13. When Jack first ESTABLISHED his hunting crew he was so confident that they would kill the beast not knowing it was themselves. 14. Ralph was hoping that smoke would INDICATE that someone was abandoned on that when a ship sailed by. 15. When killing Simon, Jack never JUSTIFIED to the rest of the boys why he did it if after a while, he knew it wasn't the beast. Week 26 16. After his first kill, Jack had a set METHOD for what he would do to lure the pig in any other time. 17. While being chased through the jungle, the though never OCCURRED to Ralph that he would be rescued soon. 18. Jack leaving the group made Piggy want to PROCEED o living on the island in a better way. Week 27 19. Ralph ASSUMED that the little boys were having nightmares when they complained about seeing a "beastie". 20. 21. Week 28 22. When Sam and Eric were watching the fire it was their job to ADMINISTER any information about it to Ralph if they felt the need. 23. When living on the island there was no code of CONDUCT when it came to bathing. 24. One ELEMENT

Saturday, April 6, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 29 - School Conferences

No, parents should not face jail time for missing their child's school conferences. For example, on one occasion a parent might fully intend on going to their child's school conference but sometimes emergencies come up and and they may have to SEEK immediate help. Most parents would say that incidents like this don't happen that often but are possible. Does this mean they should face jail time? Also, if parents were to miss their child's school conference and were thrown in jail, their child would be left in the hands of someone who is not their caregiver and I think that parents are and important RESOURCE to the child's well being. In addition, some parents are very dedicated and loving of their children, and some would say that missing a school conference is a minor offense and that they do not deserve to be TRANSFERRED to a jail for something so little. In conclusion, unfortunately there are parents out there who neglect their children who may deserve to be punished but the ones who actually care should not have to suffer such extreme consequences.

Friday, March 29, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 28 - Truant Students

No, Global Positioning System (GPS) devices should not be required for habitually truant students. This a very important matter and I and other students, parents, and guardians think that consistent truancies should be handled in another appropriate way. Although truancy is a violation of school CONDUCT, ADMINISTERING the use of such devices shifts accountability for that student from their caretakers, to the school. Most students and adults would feel that these devices on students would be taking an extreme and unnecessary step to prevent these truancies. Also, at home the students who are consistent with their truancies may already have a plan set in place with different ELEMENTS to support them in going to their classes and staying there. GPS devices are not the way to handle truancies for they may even cause more problems on school grounds with students not wanting to wear them and parents feeling that it is not the school's job to intervene with things they feel they can handle themselves.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 26 - Cars

Yes, I would want a car that drives itself. I say this because I feel that a car that drives itself would be very useful. Not only do I feel this way, but many drivers who already have experience would probably say the same. One reason I and others would like a car that drives itself would be is we were to be doing something important at the wheel, most people would want to put all their attention on it such as sending a very important text or email.With a car that drives itself it would give people the ability to PROCEED with their tasks. Another reason why this gadget would be very helpful with the everyday life of someone is if someone was not a very good driver the computer and camera inside would follow its METHOD of detecting things in front and back of it and not letting any fetal accidents happen. Most people would say that this will save many lives. On the subject of accidents I feel that most people think that less accidents OCCUR when driving a self sufficient car. With this I and a lot of other U.S citizens think that these new cars are very helpful and a great way to prevent trouble.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 24 - Online Learning

Is online learning an effective way to educate students? No! I feel this way because in a classroom it is easier for students to learn at their own pace whether they are faster or slower. Many students learn differently in different AREAS of education and with a teacher guiding them many adults and parents feel they could reach their full potential. Also, going to school and being social with other kids your age DIFFERENTIATES from only taking online classes and not being around any other people throughout the whole course. When you're around other students it is easier to ask for help if you need it and there are more people one can use for resources. One last reason people may think online learning is not effective on students is if assigned a project online and a student needs help with the directions no one would be there to help them in their time of need. In a real classroom a teacher is better able to CLARIFY directions and steps for a successful project. Online learning may be good for seniors in high school or college students but for those who have yet to learn a lot of things I think most people would say that the students are better off in a regular school where they can be reach their full potential.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 23 - Dog Fighting

Yes dogfighting should be illegal. This disgusting activity should be prohibited for a wide range of reasons. One reason is it is unfair and inhumane toward the dogs and a lot of U.S. citizens feel that way. This DISTINCT form of gambling should not be tolerated in this country. Another reason why people should not have dogs fighting each other is it is not part of the FORMULA for success when it comes to these animals having a good home and leading a healthy life. I'm sure that the majority of Americans out there would say that if studies were taken dogs who participate in violent fights have less POTENTIAL to help under privileged beings have a better life.For example, becoming a seeing eye dog or a police dog would be a great thing for them to do. I feel like the government should agree to make this exploitation unlawful in this country because it would mean justice for dogs and hope for a better future.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 22

Yes, I do think felons should be allowed to vote. I feel this way because I think in a country like this where everyone matters and is equal everyone should be able to have a say in who calls the shots. I think that at certain times people say that what someone did in the past should affect them forver and that, in some cases is not RELEVANT to what happens now. I also feel that if you do something wrong in your life, the SOURSE of it is really important and a lot of times felons work on their problems and from where it started. This results in the problems no longer consuming their lives giving them the ability to make wise decisions. Adding to this, I personally think that not giving felons the right to vote is too COMPLEX for anyone to go through and very time consuming. I think that everyone has the right to vote for someone to make our country better.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 21

No, I do not think performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports. I feel this way because this is not fair to other athletes who try hard and actually get good at the sport. In another PERIOD of time earlier than this one athletes back then would have been ashamed and dissapointed in the athletes taking these steroids or other PED's. It's very unTRADITIONAl and I feel if you have to take drugs to be good at a certain sport than you shouldn't play because you obviously aren't meant for that activity. I personally think that the PRIMARY reason for people to play sports is to have fun and get good exercise. PED's are wrong and who ever invented them shouldn't have thought of such a thing because it could potentially harms someone's life.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Should students receive a failing grade for plagiarizing?

Yes, I think students should receive a failing grade for plagiarizing. I feel this way because if students copy someone else's work they're not putting any effort into what they're doing. This shows that they don't pay very good attention to the ACADEMICS that they are being taught. Also, if the student is stealing someone else's DOCUMENT or piece of writing and aren't being punished for it that is showing them that taking credit for what someone else did is okay when it is not. Things like this should be unacceptable in school. So things like this don't happen, the computers in school should be under MAXIMUM security. This way it would be much harder for students like me to steal somebody's writing. Plagiarizing is very wrong and things should be done to prevent this until people learn that it is wrong.

XtraNormal Poster Angelica Carlos Megan

Monday, January 21, 2013

What is something you dislike about yourself?

Something I really dislike about myself is the fact that I seem to never be able to reach my goals. I don't know if this is because I don't believe in myself or I don't try hard enough. Whenever I make a goal, in the beginning I'm always so confident and I can see good things happening in the future, but after about day two I start to get lazy and almost forget about the goal. I feel as if the goals I''ve made in the past have  probably not been important enough to me and when I make them in the future that's a very important feature I should focus on. I really hope that the next time I make a goal I have sincere help from someone who actually cares and is able to help me fulfill it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Should the United States help countries like Haiti and Japan recover after a disaster?

Yes, I think the United States should help countries like Haiti and Japan after a disaster because it's the right thing to do. I feel this way because when disasters happen, no matter to who, that person or persons needs whatever help they can get. Also, I feel it would be right to INVEST in something like that other than some things us Americans could live without. Another reason I feel this way is if some disaster were to happen to a REGION in the United States we would want other countries to help us. I feel like the majority of people in our country are good hearted, caring people and they would all be in favor of helping another country. This would be easily seen if a SURVEY were given out to the citizens here. At the end of the day when someone or a large group of people needs help the best thing to do would be to lend a helping hand.

What is your favorite time of day?

My favorite time of day is sunset. This is my favorite time of the day because I feel so at peace when it comes around. I love the way the colors of the sky change. They're always purple, pink, orange,and yellow. I remember when I was little I never used to like the  sunset because I never  paid attention to it but now I can't wait for it when I'm at school or watching T.V. I feel like the sunset's appearance is a gift from God and that's one of the many reasons I cherish it. There's no other time of that I love more than the sunset and I think I'm going to feel that way for a very long time.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is something you do well?

Something I do well is cook. I chose this activity because I really enjoy doing it and comes easily for me. I love to cook because it relaxes me and people always say it's good. I've been cooking since I was about eight years old and I've always had fun doing it. Also I like cooking because I think it's cool that both of my sisters and I are so good at it. I feel like this will be something that will be passed down to our children and our children's children and I am very excited for that.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Should teen drivers have special restrictions placed on their drivers' license?

No I  do not think teens should have restrictions on their drivers' licence. I feel this way because I think teens should be able to ACQUIRE the same freedom as any other citizen over the age of eighteen. In addition this has the teen show a lot of responsibility  I feel this way also because  having a full license at sixteen is American CULTURE and it wouldn't be right or fair for future teen drivers.  In CONCLUSION the way the rules are for minor drivers is good the way it is and there should be no major changes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Years

Last year was an okay year for me. A lot of things happened like my sister Danielle graduating and my other sister getting pregnant. Those were two happy parts of my year. Another good thing that happened in my life last years was that I was able to move out of Girls three and create a good relationship with me new houseparents Quinn and Blaire. I also got a new roommate which was Azjah and she turned out to be pretty amazing because her and I had some really good times. This year I plan on having good relationships with friends and going to the Taylor Swift concert. I'm very confident that both of these things will happen and I'm really excited for a new beginning.