Monday, December 10, 2012

What things do you think are beautiful?

Beauty lies in the most simple things. Things such as trees in the fall or the smile of nine month old babies are beautiful to me. A lot of people have their own opinion of what beauty is and some opinions are the same and a bit of a cliche. But with myself I feel like I can capture the beauty in things that don't seem that way. Laughter among my friends is one of those joys that beholds beauty and so is a person finding something to believe in like God or the universe. I feel like in the world these days, with all the hardships that people are facing, it's hard to see something for what it really is and sometimes those things can be the most precious and exquisite. Beauty, in my opinion, is everywhere around us and I feel like more people should take the time to to really examine things and see for themselves.

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