Sunday, December 2, 2012

What is the worst thing parents can do to their children?

There are a lot of really harsh things that parents can do to their children. These things range from beating them to leaving some place for hours on end. But in my opinion, the worst thing parents can do their child is tell them they don't love them. I feel this way because personally I've experienced some really bad things in my life and if my parent or parentsl figures told me that they didn't love me it would really mess me up. I think that in terms of disciplining a parent can do so many different things that other people may judge as abuse. Sometimes it may be but when they get so mad and can't control themselves they say things they don't mean. One of those sayings are,"I hate you!" This can ruin a child's life even if the parents says they take it back. It can stay in someone's mind forever. This is an issue that I feel many people need to work on.

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